Natalie McArdle - BA MUS; BA SPTH; CPSP - Speech Pathologist

With degrees in both Speech Pathology and Music Performance, Natalie is an asset to our adult Speech Pathology service. You will find Natalie working in our clinic with both occupational and performance voice users. She is known for drawing on her own experience as a performer and speech pathologist, utilises our latest technology in acoustic voice assessment, and creates voice treatment programs that are tailored to the individual. Natalie is also involved in our fortnightly multidisciplinary voice clinic run through The Voice Centre Australia. Additionally, Natalie provides personalised care in both communication and swallowing management in the community with private patients, residential care consumers, and NDIS participants alike. She has a particular interest in neurological and neuro-degenerative conditions such as MND/ALS, Parkinson’s Disease, stroke and dementia and provides high level services to people living with these conditions every day.